A birthday poem
A Sip for Churchill’s Neuro – Guru
A birthday poem by Archie Howie
Churchill College Cambridge, December 2024
Just when from dinner’s bell they heard the sound,
These dogs that Pavlov trained would salivate.
Sadly no measures of their state were found
When dinner proved exceptional or late!
But, with that metal which still bears his name,
Our Wolfram could a neural probe design:
When helpful monkeys in a brainy game
Grab a sweet sip on seeing a green sign.
When sip reward exceeds what they expect,
A bonus pulse of dopamine ensues;
When these two nicely match - no pulse detect;
A minus pulse for disappointing news!
Since urge of dopamine we also crave,
Reward prediction error (RPE)
May teach us, like our monkey friends, to brave
A modest risk midst options we see.
Will gamblers and economists agree
To Wolfram’s probing of their mental state
But still insist that free will can decree
The choices that they make or options rate?
When Wolfram’s own inviting green light shined,
These prizes – Gruber, Golden Brain to claim;
The RPE his modesty defined
Ensured the bonus dopamine that came!
(posted with the author's permission)