
Working Papers

• Ferrari-Toniolo S, Leo Chi U Seak L, Schultz W. Coding of the basic components of subjective value in primate dopamine neurons: subjectively weighted reward amount and probability. bioRxiv 639529, 2025. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Reward learning and choice: from theory to neuronal signals. In: Neuroeconomics: Core Topics and Current Direction (P. Lockwood, D. Smith, D. Fareri, eds) Springer. SSRN 2024. (pdf)

• Schultz W. The dopamine reward prediction error signal. In: Dopamine Handbook (S. Cragg & M. Walton, eds) Elsevier. SSRN 4816666, 2024. (pdf)

Seak LCU, Ferrari-Toniolo S, Jain R, Nielsen K, Schultz W. Systematic comparison of risky choices in humans and monkeys. bioRxiv 527517, 2023. SSRN 4350946, 2023. (pdf)

• van Coeverden C, Schultz W. Formal cooperation in macaque monkeys obtained via single-payoff change from formal coordination games. bioRxiv 521899, 2022. SSRN 4321728, 2023. (pdf)


• Yan G, Amita H, Nonomura S, Inoue K-I, Schultz W, Takada M. Fluorescence detection of dopamine signaling to the primate striatum in relation to stimulus-reward associations. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 2025 (in press). 

Kim J-C, Zangemeister L, Tobler PN, Schultz W, Grabenhorst F. Social risk coding by amygdala activity and connectivity with dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. J Neurosci 45: e1149242024, 2025. (pdf)

• Hill DF, Hickmann RW, Al-Mohammad A, Stasiak A, Schultz W. Dopamine neurons encode trial-by-trial subjective reward value in an auction-like task. Nat Comm 15: 8138, 2024. (pdf)

Schultz W. A dopamine mechanism for reward maximization. Proc Nat Acad Sci (USA) 121: e2316658121, 2024. (pdf)

Grabenhorst F, Ponce-Alvarez A, Battaglia-Mayer A, Deco G, Schultz W. A view-based decision mechanism for rewards in the primate amygdala. Neuron 111: 3871-3884, 2023. (pdf)

• Ferrari-Toniolo S, Schultz W. Reliable population code for subjective economic value from heterogeneous neuronal signals in primate orbitofrontal cortex. Neuron 111: 3683-3696, 2023. (pdf)

• Burrell M, Pastor-Bernier A, Schultz W. Worth the work? Monkeys discount rewards by a subjective adapting effort cost. J Neurosci 43: 6796-6806, 2023. (pdf) (comment: J Neurosci 43: 6713, 2023) (pdf)

• Schultz W. Reward, pleasure and motivation. Chapter 5.9 in: Cambridge Textbook of Neuroscience for Psychiatrists. Cambridge University Press 2023. (pdf)

• Pastor-Bernier A, Volkmann K, Seak LCU, Stasiak A, Plott CR, Schultz W. Studying neural responses for multi-component economic choices in human and non-human primates using concept-based behavioral choice experiments. STAR Protocols 4: 102296, 2023. (pdf)

Woo JH, Aguirre CG, Bari BA, Tsutsui K-I, Grabenhorst F, Cohen JY, Schultz W, Izquierdo A, Soltani A. ­­Mechanisms of adjustments to different types of uncertainty in the reward environment across mice and monkeys. Cog Affect Behav Neurosci 23: 935-954, 2023. (pdf).

Schultz W. My Autobiography. Society for Neuroscience (SfN) 2022. (pdf)

• Ferrari-Toniolo S, Seak LCU, Schultz W. Risky choice: probability weighting explains Independence Axiom violations in monkeys. J  Risk Uncertain: doi 10.1007/s11166-022-09388-7, 2022. (pdf)

• Al-Mohammad A, Schultz W. Reward value revealed by auction in rhesus monkeys. J Neurosci 42: 1510-1528, 2022. (pdf)

• Bujold PM, Ferrari-Toniolo S, Seak LCU, Schultz W. Comparing utility between risky and riskless choice in rhesus monkeys. Anim Cog 25: 385-399, 2022. (pdf)

• Pastor-Bernier AM, Stasiak A, Schultz W. Reward-specific satiety affects subjective value signals in orbitofrontal cortex during multi-component choice. Proc Nat Acad Sci (USA) 118: e2022650118, 2021. (pdf)

• Bujold PM, Ferrari-Toniolo S, Schultz W. Adaptation of utility functions functions to reward distribution in rhesus monkeys. Cognition 214: 104764, 2021. (pdf)

• Grabenhorst F, Schultz W. Functions of primate amygdala neurons in economic decisions and social decision simulation. Behav Brain Res 409: 113318, 2021. (pdf)

• Schultz W, Stauffer WR, Lak A. Pastor-Bernier A. Smarter than humans: rationality reflected in primate neuronal signals. Curr Op Behav Sci 41: 51-56, 2021. (pdf)

• Seak LCU, Volkmann K, Pastor-Bernier A, Grabenhorst F, Schultz W. Single-dimensional human brain signals for two-dimensional economic choice options. J Neurosci 41: 3000-3013, 2021. (pdf)

• Ferrari-Toniolo S, Bujold P, Schultz W. Non-human primates satisfy utility maximization in compliance with the continuity axiom of Expected Utility Theory. J Neurosci 41: 2964-2979, 2021. (pdf)

• Tremblay et al. An Open Resource for Non-human Primate Optogenetics. Neuron 108: 1075-1090, 2020. (pdf)

• Vestergaard MD, Schultz W. Retrospective valuation of experienced outcome encoded in distinct reward representations in the anterior insula and amygdala. J Neurosci 40: 8938-8950, 2020. (pdf)

• Pastor-Bernier A, Volkmann K, Stasiak A, Grabenhorst F, Schultz W. Experimentally revealed stochastic preferences for multicomponent choice options. J exp Psychol: Animal Learn Cognition 46: 367-384, 2020. (pdf)

• Grabenhorst F, Salzman CD, Schultz W. The role of the primate amygdala in reward and decision-making. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences (Eds. Poeppel D, Mangun GR, Gazzaniga MS) pp 631-639, 2020.

Stauffer WR, Schultz W. Dopamine prediction error responses reflect economic utility. In: The Cognitive Neurosciences (Eds. Poeppel D, Mangun GR, Gazzaniga MS) pp 587-595, 2020.

• Pastor-Bernier A, Stasiak A, Schultz W. Orbitofrontal signals for two-component choice options comply with indifference curves of Revealed Preference Theory. Nat Comm 10: 4885, 2019. (pdf)

• Grabenhorst F, Báez-Mendoza R, Genest W, Deco G, Schultz W. Primate amygdala neurons simulate decision processes of social partners. Cell 177: 986-998, 2019. (pdf)

• Zangemeister L, Grabenhorst F, Schultz W. Neural activity in human ventromedial prefrontal cortex reflecting the intention to save reward. Soc Cog Affect Neurosci 14: 1255–1261, 2019. (pdf)

• Pastor-Bernier A, Stasiak A, Schultz W. Orbitofrontal signals for two-component choice options comply with indifference curves of Revealed Preference Theory. Nat Comm 10: 4885, 2019. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Recent advances in understanding the role of phasic dopamine activity. F1000Research 8: 1680, 2019. (11 pages) (pdf)

• Grabenhorst* F, Tsutsui* KI, Kobayashi S, Schultz W. Primate prefrontal neurons signal economic risk derived from the statistics of recent reward experience. eLife 8: e44838, 2019. (30 pages) (pdf)

Grabenhorst F, Báez-Mendoza R, Genest W, Deco G, Schultz W. Primate amygdala neurons simulate decision processes of social partners. Cell 177: 986-998, 2019. (pdf)

• Ferrari-Toniolo S, Bujold P, Schultz W. Probability distortion depends on choice sequence in rhesus monkeys. J Neurosci 39: 2915-2929, 2019.

• O’Neill M, Schultz W. Predictive coding of the statistical parameters of uncertain rewards by orbitofrontal neurons. Behav Brain Res 355: 90-94, 2018.

• Cromwell HC, Tremblay L, Schultz W. Neural encoding of choice during a delayed response task in primate striatum and orbitofrontal cortex. Exp Brain Res 236: 1679-1688, 2018.

• Brzosko Z, Zannone S, Schultz W, Clopath C, Paulsen O. Sequential neuromodulation of Hebbian plasticity offers mechanism for effective reward-based navigation. eLife 6:e27756, 2017. 

• Schultz W, Stauffer WR, Lak A. The phasic dopamine signal maturing: from reward via behavioural activation to formal economic utility. Curr Op Neurobiol 43: 139-148, 2017.

• Pastor-Bernier A, Plott CR, Schultz W. Monkeys choose as if maximizing utility compatible with basic principles of revealed preference theory. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 114: E1766-E1775, 2017. (pdf)

• Diederen KMJ, Ziauddeen H, Vestergaard M, Spencer T, Schultz W, Fletcher P. Dopamine modulates adaptive prediction error coding in the human midbrain and striatum. J Neurosci 37: 1708-1720, 2017. (pdf)

• Stauffer WR, Lak A, Yang A, Borel M, Paulsen O, Boyden E, Schultz W. Dopamine neuron-specific optogenetic stimulation in Rhesus macaques. Cell 166: 1564-1571, 2016. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Dopamine reward prediction error signalling: a two-component response. Nat Rev Neurosci 17: 183-195, 2016. (pdf)

• Báez-Mendoza R, Schultz W. Performance error-related activity in monkey striatum during social interactions. Sci Rep 6: 37199, 2016. 

• Lak A, Stauffer WR, Schultz W. Dopamine neurons learn relative chosen value from probabilistic rewards. eLife 5: e18044, 2016. (pdf)

• Zangemeister* L, Grabenhorst* F, Schultz W. Neural basis for economic saving strategies in human amygdala-prefrontal reward circuits. Curr Biol 26: 3004-3013, 2016. (pdf)

• Grabenhorst* F, Hernadi* I, Schultz W. Primate amygdala neurons evaluate the progress of self-defined economic choice sequences. eLife 5: e18731, 2016. (pdf)

• Burke C, Baddeley M, Tobler PN, Schultz W. Partial adaptation of obtained and observed value signals preserves information about gains and losses. J Neurosci 36: 10016-10025, 2016.

• Tsutsui* KI, Grabenhorst* F, Kobayashi S, Schultz W. A dynamic code for economic object valuation in prefrontal cortex neurons. Nat Comm 7: 12554, 2016. (pdf)

• Stauffer WR, Lak A, Yang A, Borel M, Paulsen O, Boyden E, Schultz W. Dopamine neuron-specific optogenetic stimulation in Rhesus macaques. Cell 166: 1564-1571, 2016. (pdf)

• Genest W, Stauffer WR, Schultz W. Utility functions predict variance and skewness risk preferences in monkeys. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 113: 8402-8407, 2016. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Reward functions of the basal ganglia. J Neur Transm 123: 679-693, 2016.

• Diederen K, Spencer T, Vestergaard MD, Fletcher P, Schultz W. Adaptive prediction error coding in the human midbrain and striatum facilitates behavioral adaptation and learning efficiency. Neuron 90: 1127-1138, 2016. (pdf)

• Stauffer WR, Lak A, Kobayashi S, Schultz W. Components and characteristics of the dopamine reward utility signal. J comp Neurol 524: 1699-1711, 2016.

• Báez-Mendoza R, van Coeverden C, Schultz W. A neuronal reward inequity signal in primate striatum. J Neurophysiol 115: 68-79, 2016. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Neuronal reward and decision signals: from theories to data. Physiol Rev 95: 853-951, 2015. (pdf)

• Schultz W, Carelli RM, Wightman RM. Phasic dopamine signals: from subjective reward value to formal economic utility. Curr Op Behav Sci 5: 147-154, 2015.

• Brzosko Z, Schultz W, Paulsen O. Retroactive modulation of spike timing-dependent plasticity by dopamine. eLife 4: e09685, 2015.

• Diederen KMJ, Schultz W. Scaling prediction errors to reward variability benefits error-driven learning in humans. J Neurophysiol 114: 1628-1640, 2015. (pdf)

• Vestergaard MD, Schultz W. Choice mechanisms for past, temporally extended outcomes. Proc Roy Soc B 282: 20141766, 1810, 2015. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Neuronal reward and decision signals: from theories to data. Physiol Rev 95: 853-951, 2015. (pdf)

• O'Neill, M, Schultz W. Economic risk coding by single neurons in the orbitofrontal cortex. J Physiol (Paris) 109: 70-77, 2015.

• Hernadi* I, Grabenhorst* F, Schultz W. Planning activity for internally generated reward goals in monkey amygdala neurons. Nat Neurosci 18: 461-469, 2015. (pdf)

• Stauffer WR, Lak A, Bossaerts P, Schultz W. Economic choices reveal probability distortion in macaque monkeys. J Neurosci 35: 3146-3154, 2015.

Stauffer WR, Lak A, Schultz W. Dopamine reward prediction error responses reflect marginal utility. Curr Biol 24: 2491-2500, 2014. (pdf)

• Medic N, Ziauddeen H, Vestergaard MD, Henning E, Schultz W, Farooqi IS, Fletcher PC. Dopamine modulates the neural representation of subjective value of food in hungry subjects. J Neurosci 34: 16877-16889, 2014.

• Stauffer WR, Lak A, Schultz W. Dopamine reward prediction error responses reflect marginal utility. Curr Biol 24: 2491-2500, 2014. (pdf)

• Bermudez M, Schultz W. Timing in reward and decision processes. Phil Trans Roy Soc B 369: 20120468, 2014.

• Lak A, Stauffer WR, Schultz W. Dopamine prediction error responses integrate subjective value from different reward dimensions. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 111: 2343-2348, 2014. (pdf)

• Kobayashi S, Schultz W. Reward contexts extend dopamine signals to unrewarded stimuli. Curr Biol 24: 56-62, 2014. (pdf)

• Báez-Mendoza R, Harris C, Schultz W. Activity of striatal neurons reflects social action and own reward. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 110: 16634-16639, 2013. (pdf)

• Báez-Mendoza R, Harris C, Schultz W. The role of the striatum in social behavior. Front Neurosci 7: 233, 1-14, 2013.

• O'Neill, M, Schultz W. Risk prediction error coding in orbitofrontal neurons. J Neurosci 33: 15810-15814, 2013. (pdf)

• d'Acremont M, Schultz W, Bossaerts P. The human brain encodes event frequencies while forming subjective beliefs. J Neurosci 33: 10887-10897, 2013.

• Schultz W. Updating dopamine reward signals. Curr Op Neurobiol 23: 229-238, 2013.

• Grabenhorst F, Hernadi I, Schultz W. Prediction of economic choice by primate amygdala neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 109: 18950-18955, 2012. (pdf)

• Grabenhorst* F, Hernadi* I, Schultz W. Prediction of economic choice by primate amygdala neurons. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 109: 18950-18955, 2012. (pdf)

• Bermudez MA, Göbel C, Schultz W. Sensitivity to temporal reward structure in amygdala neurons. Curr Biol 22: 1839-1844, 2012. (pdf)

• Ariansen JL, Heien MLAV, Hermans A, Phillips PEM, Hernadi I, Bermudez MA, Schultz W, Wightman RM. Monitoring extracellular pH, oxygen, and dopamine during reward delivery in the striatum of primates. Front Behav Neurosci 6: 36, 1-10, 2012. 

• Schultz W. How Neurons Decide. About Reward. (pdf) Translated from German: Wie sich Neuronen entscheiden. Über Belohnung. In: Zukunft Gehirn. Eds. Bonhoeffer T, Gruss P. pp. 83-105, 2011.

• Schultz W, O'Neill M, Tobler PN, Kobayashi S. Neuronal signals for reward risk in frontal cortex. NY Acad Sci 1239: 109-117, 2011. 

• Hare TA, Schultz W, Camerer CF, O'Doherty JP, Rangel A. Transformation of stimulus value signals into motor commands during simple choice. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 108: 18120-18125, 2011.

• Miyapuram KP, Tobler PN, Gregorios-Pippas, L, Schultz W. BOLD responses in reward regions to hypothetical and imaginary monetary rewards. NeuroImage 59: 1692-1699, 2011.

• Schultz W. Potential vulnerabilities of neuronal reward, risk, and decision mechanisms to addictive drugs. Neuron 69: 603-617, 2011. (pdf)

• O'Neill M, Schultz W. Coding of reward risk by orbitofrontal neurons is mostly distinct from coding of reward value. Neuron 68: 789-800, 2010. (pdf)

• Burke CJ, Tobler PN, Baddeley M, Schultz W. Neuronal mechanisms of observational learning. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 107: 14431-14436, 2010. (pdf)

Bermudez MA, Schultz W. Responses of amygdala neurons to positive reward predicting stimuli depend on background reward (contingency) rather than stimulus-reward pairing (contiguity). J Neurophysiol 103: 1158-1170, 2010. (pdf)

• Bermudez MA, Schultz W. Reward magnitude coding in primate amygdala neurons. J Neurophysiol 104: 3424-3432, 2010. 

• Nomoto K, Schultz W, Watanabe T, Sakagami M. Temporally extended dopamine response to perceptually demanding reward-predictive stimuli. J Neurosci 30: 10692-10702, 2010.

• Burke CJ, Tobler PN, Baddeley M, Schultz W. Neuronal mechanisms of observational learning. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 107, 14431-14436, 2010. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Subjective neuronal coding of reward: temporal value discounting and risk. Eur J Neurosci 31: 2124–2135, 2010.

• Burke CJ, Tobler PN, Schultz W, Baddeley M. Striatal BOLD response reflects the impact of herd information on financial decisions. Front Hum Neurosci 4: 48, 1-11, 2010. 

• Kobayashi S, Schultz W, Sakagami M. Operant conditioning of primate prefrontal neurons. J Neurophysiol 103: 1843-1855, 2010. 

• Bermudez MA, Schultz W. Responses of amygdala neurons to positive reward predicting stimuli depend on background reward (contingency) rather than stimulus-reward pairing (contiguity). J Neurophysiol 103: 1158-1170, 2010. (pdf)

• Kobayashi S, Pinto de Carvalho O, Schultz W. Adaptation of reward sensitivity in orbitofrontal neurons. J Neurosci 30: 534-544, 2010. 

• Tobler PN, Christopoulos GI, O'Doherty JP, Dolan RJ, Schultz W. Risk-dependent reward value signal in human prefrontal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 106: 7185-7190, 2009. (pdf)

• Christopoulos GI, Tobler PN, Bossaerts P, Dolan RJ, Schultz W. Neural correlates of value, risk, and risk aversion contributing to decision making under risk. J Neurosci. 29: 12574-12583, 2009. 

• Tobler PN, Christopoulos GI, O'Doherty JP, Dolan RJ, Schultz W. Risk-dependent reward value signal in human prefrontal cortex. Proc Natl Acad Sci (USA) 106: 7185-7190, 2009. (pdf)

• Gregorios-Pippas L, Tobler PN, Schultz W. Short term temporal discounting of reward value in human ventral striatum. J Neurophysiol 101: 1507-1523, 2009. 

• Tobler PN, Christopoulos GI, O’Doherty JO, Dolan RJ, Schultz W. Neuronal distortions of reward probability without choice. J Neurosci 28: 11703-11711, 2008. 

• Schultz W, Preuschoff K, Camerer C, Hsu M, Fiorillo CD, Tobler PN, Bossaerts P. Explicit neural signals reflecting reward uncertainty. Phil Trans RoySoc B 363: 3801-3811, 2008. 

• Fiorillo CD, Newsome WT, Schultz W. The temporal precision of reward prediction in dopamine neurons. Nat Neurosci 11: 966-973, 2008. 

• Kobayashi S, Schultz W. Influence of reward delays on responses of dopamine neurons. J Neurosci 28: 7837-7846, 2008. 

• Hare TA, O’Doherty J, Camerer CF, Schultz W, Rangel A. Dissociating the role of the orbitofrontal cortex and the striatum in the computation of goal values and prediction errors. J Neurosci 28: 5623-5630, 2008.

• Schultz W. Multiple dopamine functions at different time courses. Ann Rev Neurosci 30: 259-288, 2007.

• Schultz W. Behavioral dopamine signals. Trends Neurosci 30: 203-210, 2007.

• Tobler PN, Fletcher PC, Bullmore ET, Schultz W. Learning-related human brain activations reflecting individual finances. Neuron 54: 167-175, 2007.

• Tobler PN, O’Doherty JP. Dolan R, Schultz W. Reward value coding distinct from risk attitude-related uncertainty coding in human reward systems. J Neurophysiol 97: 1621-1632, 2007. 

• Schultz W. Behavioral theories and the neurophysiology of reward. Ann Rev Psychol 57: 87-115, 2006. (pdf)

• Kobayashi S, Nomoto K, Watanabe M, Hikosaka O, Schultz W, Sakagami M. Influences of rewarding and aversive outcomes on activity in macaque lateral prefrontal cortex. Neuron 51: 861-870, 2006. 

• Tobler PN, O’Doherty JP, Dolan, R, Schultz W. Human neural learning depends on reward prediction errors in the blocking paradigm. J Neurophysiol 95: 301-310, 2006. 

• Schultz W. Behavioral theories and the neurophysiology of reward. Ann Rev Psychol 57: 87-115, 2006. (pdf)

• Blatter K, Schultz W. Rewarding properties of visual stimuli. Exp Brain Res 168: 541-546, 2006.

• Fiorillo CD, Tobler PN, Schultz W. Evidence that the delay-period activity of dopamine neurons corresponds to reward uncertainty rather than backpropagating TD errors. Behav Brain Funct 1: 7, 2005. 

• Cromwell HC, Hassani OK, Schultz W. Relative reward processing in primate striatum. Exp Brain Res 162: 520-525, 2005.

• Tobler PN, Fiorillo CD, Schultz W. Adaptive coding of reward value by dopamine neurons. Science 307: 1642-1645, 2005. 

• Schultz W. Neural coding of basic reward terms of animal learning theory, microeconomics and behavioural ecology. Curr Op Neurobiol 14: 139-147, 2004.

• Tobler PN, Dickinson A, Schultz W. Coding of predicted reward omission by dopamine neurons in a conditioned inhibition paradigm. J Neurosci 23: 10402-10410, 2003.

• Martin-Soelch C, Missimer J, Leenders KL, Schultz W. Neural activity related to the processing of increasing monetary reward in smokers and nonsmokers. Eur J Neurosci 18: 680-688, 2003.

• Schultz W, Tremblay L, Hollerman JR. Changes in behavior-related neuronal activity in the striatum during learning. Trends Neurosci 26: 321-328, 2003. 

• Cromwell HC, Schultz W. Effects of expectations for different reward magnitudes on neuronal activity in primate striatum. J. Neurophysiol. 89: 2823-2838, 2003. 

• Fiorillo CD, Tobler PN, Schultz W. Discrete coding of reward probability and uncertainty by dopamine neurons. Science 299: 1898-1902, 2003. 

• Schultz W. Getting formal with dopamine and reward. Neuron 36: 241-263, 2002.

• Waelti P, Dickinson A, Schultz, W: Dopamine responses comply with basic assumptions of formal learning theory. Nature 412: 43-48, 2001. (pdf)

• Martin-Soelch C, Leenders KL, Chevalley AF, Missimer J, Kunig G, Magyar S, Mino A, Schultz W. Reward mechanisms in the brain and their role in dependence: evidence from neurophysiological and neuroimaging studies. Brain Res Rev 36: 139-149, 2001.

• Martin-Soelch C, Chevalley A-F, Künig G, Missimer J, Magyar S, Mino A, Schultz W, Leenders KL. Changes in reward-induced brain activation in opiate addicts. Eur J Neurosci 14: 1360-1368, 2001.

• Watanabe M, Cromwell HC, Tremblay L, Hollerman, JR, Hikosaka K, Schultz W. Behavioral reactions reflecting differential reward expectations in monkeys. Exp Brain Res 140: 511-518, 2001. 

• Martin-Soelch C, Magyar S, Künig GC, Missimer J, Schultz W, Leenders KL. Changes in brain activation associated with reward processing in smokers and nonsmokers. A positron emission tomography study. Exp Brain Res 139: 278-286, 2001.

• Schultz W. Reward signaling by dopamine neurons. The Neuroscientist 7: 293-302, 2001.

• Waelti P, Dickinson A, Schultz, W. Dopamine responses comply with basic assumptions of formal learning theory. Nature 412: 43-48, 2001. (pdf)

• Hassani OK, Cromwell HC, Schultz W. Influence of expectation of different rewards on behavior-related neuronal activity in the striatum. J Neurophysiol 85: 2477-2489, 2001. 

• Suri R, Schultz, W. Temporal difference model reproduces anticipatory neural activity. Neur Comput 13: 841-862, 2001.

• Hollerman JR, Tremblay L, Schultz W. Involvement of basal ganglia and orbitofrontal cortex in goal-directed behavior. Prog Brain Res 126: 193-215, 2000. 

• Künig G, Leenders KL, Martin-Sölch C, Missimer J, Magyar S, Schultz W. Reduced reward processing in the brains of Parkinsonian patients. Neuroreport 11: 3681-3687, 2000.

• Schultz W. Multiple reward systems in the brain. Nat Rev Neurosci 1: 199-207, 2000. 

• Tremblay L, Schultz W. Modifications of reward expectation-related neuronal activity during learning in primate orbitofrontal cortex. J Neurophysiol 83: 1877-1885, 2000. 

• Tremblay L, Schultz W. Reward-related neuronal activity during go-nogo task performance in primate orbitofrontal cortex. J Neurophysiol 83: 1864-1876, 2000. 

• Schultz W, Dickinson A. Neuronal coding of prediction errors. Ann Rev Neurosci 23: 473-500, 2000.

• Schultz W, Tremblay L, Hollerman JR. Reward processing in primate orbitofrontal cortex and basal ganglia. Cereb Cortex 10: 272-283, 2000. 

• Tremblay L, Schultz W. Relative reward preference in primate orbitofrontal cortex. Nature 398: 704-708, 1999. (pdf)

• Schultz W. The reward signal of midbrain dopamine neurons. News Physiol Sci 14: 249-255, 1999.

• Schultz W. The primate basal ganglia and the voluntary control of behaviour. J Consciousness Studies 6-8: 31-45, 1999. (also in: The Volitional Brain (Eds. B. Libet, A. Freemen and K. Sutherland) Imprint Academic, Thorverton, UK pp 31-45, 1999)

• Contreras-Vidal JL, Schultz W. A predictive reinforcement model of dopamine neurons for learning approach behavior. J Comput Neurosci 6: 191-214, 1999.

• Suri R, Schultz W. A neural network with dopamine-like reinforcement signal that learns a spatial delayed response task. Neuroscience 91: 871-890, 1999.

• Tremblay L, Schultz W. Relative reward preference in primate orbitofrontal cortex. Nature 398: 704-708, 1999. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Predictive reward signal of dopamine neurons. J Neurophysiol 80: 1-27, 1998. (pdf)

• Suri RE, Schultz W. Learning of sequential movements by neural network model with dopamine-like reinforcement signal. Exp Brain Res 121: 350-354, 1998.

• Tremblay L, Hollerman JR, Schultz W. Modifications of reward expectation-related neuronal activity during learning in primate striatum. J Neurophysiol 80: 964-977, 1998.

• Hollerman JR, Tremblay L, Schultz W. Influence of reward expectation on behavior-related neuronal activity in primate striatum. J Neurophysiol 80: 947-963, 1998.

• Hollerman JR, Schultz W. Dopamine neurons report an error in the temporal prediction of reward during learning. Nat Neurosci 1: 304-309, 1998. 

• Schultz W. Predictive reward signal of dopamine neurons. J Neurophysiol 80: 1-27, 1998. (pdf)

• Schultz W, Tremblay L, Hollerman JL. Reward prediction in primate basal ganglia and frontal cortex. Neuropharmacology 37: 421-429, 1998. 

• Schultz W, Dayan P, Montague RR. A neural substrate of prediction and reward. Science 275: 1593-1599, 1997. (pdf)

• Thut G, Schultz W, Roelcke U, Nienhusmeier M, Missimer J, Maguire RP, Leenders KL. Monetary reward activates human prefrontal cortex. Neuroreport 8: 1225-1228, 1997. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Dopamine neurons and their role in reward mechanisms. Curr Op Neurobiol 7: 191-197, 1997. 

• Schultz W, Dayan P, Montague RR. A neural substrate of prediction and reward. Science 275: 1593-1599, 1997. (pdf)

• Mirenowicz J, Schultz W. Preferential activation of midbrain dopamine neurons by appetitive rather than aversive stimuli. Nature 379: 449-451, 1996.

• Guigon E, Dorizzi B, Burnod, Y, Schultz W. Neural correlates of learning in the prefrontal cortex of monkeys: a predictive model. Cereb Cortex 5: 135-147, 1995.

• Mirenowicz J, Schultz W. Importance of unpredictability for reward responses in primate dopamine neurons. J Neurophysiol 72: 1024-1027, 1994. 

• Schultz W, Apicella P, Ljungberg T. Responses of monkey dopamine neurons to reward and conditioned stimuli during successive steps of learning a delayed response task. J Neurosci 13: 900-913, 1993. (pdf)

• Schultz W, Apicella P, Ljungberg T, Romo R, Scarnati E. Reward-related activity in monkey striatum and substantia nigra. Progr Brain Res 99: 227-235, 1993. 

• Schultz W, Apicella P, Ljungberg T. Responses of monkey dopamine neurons to reward and conditioned stimuli during successive steps of learning a delayed response task. J Neurosci 13: 900-913, 1993. (pdf)

• Ljungberg T, Apicella P, Schultz W. Responses of monkey dopamine neurons during learning of behavioral reactions. J Neurophysiol 67: 145-163, 1992. (pdf)

• Romo R, Schultz W. Role of primate basal ganglia and frontal cortex in the internal generation of movements: III. Neuronal activity in the supplementary motor area. Exp Brain Res 91: 396-407, 1992. (pdf)

• Romo R, Scarnati E. Schultz, W. Role of primate basal ganglia and frontal cortex in the internal generation of movements: II. Movement-related activity in the anterior striatum. Exp Brain Res 91: 385-395, 1992. 

• Schultz W, Romo R. Role of primate basal ganglia and frontal cortex in the internal generation of movements: I. Preparatory activity in the anterior striatum. Exp Brain Res 91: 363-384, 1992. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Activity of dopamine neurons in the behaving primate. Seminars Neurosci. 4: 129-138, 1992. 

• Schultz W, Apicella P, Scarnati E, Ljungberg T. Neuronal activity in monkey ventral striatum related to the expectation of reward. J Neurosci 12: 4595-4610, 1992.

• Apicella P, Scarnati E, Ljungberg T, Schultz W. Neuronal activity in monkey striatum related to the expectation of predictable environmental events. J Neurophysiol 68: 945-960, 1992. 

• Ljungberg T, Apicella P, Schultz W. Responses of monkey dopamine neurons during delayed alternation performance. Brain Res 567: 337-341, 1991. 

• Apicella P, Ljungberg T, Scarnati E, Schultz W. Responses to reward in monkey dorsal and ventral striatum. Exp Brain Res 85: 491-500, 1991.

• Apicella P, Scarnati E, Schultz W. Tonically discharging neurons of monkey striatum respond to preparatory and rewarding stimuli. Exp Brain Res 84: 672-675, 1991. 

• Schultz W, Romo R. Dopamine neurons of the monkey midbrain: Contingencies of responses to stimuli eliciting immediate behavioral reactions. J Neurophysiol 63: 607-624, 1990. 

• Romo R, Schultz W. Dopamine neurons of the monkey midbrain: Contingencies of responses to active touch during self-initiated arm movements. J Neurophysiol 63: 592-606, 1990. (pdf)

• Romo R, Schultz W. Somatosensory input to dopamine neurons of the monkey midbrain: responses to pain pinch under anesthesia and to active touch in behavioral context. Progr Brain Res 80: 473-478, 1989. 

• Schultz W, Romo R, Scarnati E, Sundström E, Jonsson G, Studer A. Saccadic reaction times, eye-arm cordination and spontaneous eye movements in normal and MPTP-treated monkeys. Exp Brain Res 78: 253-267, 1989. 

• Schultz W, Scarnati E, Sundström E, Romo R. Protection against MPTP-induced Parkinsonism by the catecholamine uptake inhibitor nomifensine: Behavioral analysis in monkeys with partial striatal dopamine depletion. Neuroscience 31: 219-230, 1989.

• Schultz W, Studer A, Romo R, Sundström E, Jonsson G, Scarnati, E. Deficits in reaction times and movement times as correlates of hypokinesia in monkeys with MPTP-induced striatal dopamine depletion. J Neurophysiol 61: 651-668, 1989. 

• Studer A, Sundström E, Jonsson G, Schultz W. Acute electropysiological and neurochemical effects of administration of MPTP in mice. Neuropharmacology 27: 923-931, 1988. 

• Schultz W, Romo R. Neuronal activity in the monkey striatum during the initiation of movements. Exp Brain Res 71: 431-436, 1988. 

• Schultz W. MPTP-induced parkinsonism in monkeys: Mechanism of action, selectivity and pathophysiology. Gen Pharmacol 19: 153-161, 1988. 

• Studer A, Schultz W. The catecholamine uptake inhibitor nomifensine depresses impulse activity of dopamine neurons in mouse substantia nigra. Neurosci Lett 80: 207-212, 1987. 

• Romo R, Schultz W. Neuronal activity preceding self-initiated or externally timed arm movements in area 6 of monkey cortex. Exp Brain Res 67: 656-662, 1987. 

• Schultz W, Romo R. Responses of nigrostriatal dopamine neurons to high intensity somatosensory stimulation in the anesthetized monkey. J Neurophysiol 57: 201-217, 1987. 

Schultz W. Responses of midbrain dopamine neurons to behavioral trigger stimuli in the monkey. J Neurophysiol 56: 1439-1462, 1986. (pdf)

• Schultz W. Activity of pars reticulata neurons of monkey substantia nigra in relation to motor, sensory and complex events. J Neurophysiol 55: 660-677, 1986. 

• Schultz W, Scarnati E, Sundström E, Tsutsumi T, Jonsson G. The catecholamine uptake blocker nomifensine protects against MPTP-induced parkinsonism in monkeys. Exp Brain Res 63: 216-220, 1986. 

• Romo R, Schultz W. Prolonged changes in dopaminergic terminal excitability and short changes in dopaminergic discharge rate after short peripheral stimulation in monkey. Neurosci Lett 62: 335-340, 1985.

• Schultz W, Studer A, Jonsson G, Sundström E, Mefford I. Deficits in behavioral initiation and execution processes in monkeys with 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine-induced parkinsonism. Neurosci Lett 59: 225-232, 1985. 

• Toan DL, Schultz W. Responses of rat pallidum cells to cortex stimulation and effects of altered dopaminergic activity. Neuroscience 15: 683-694, 1985.

• Aebischer P, Schultz W. The activity of pars compacta neurons of the monkey substantia nigra is depressed by apomorphine. Neurosci Lett 50: 25-29, 1984. 

• Schultz W. Minireview: Recent physiological and pathophysiological aspects of Parkinsonian movement disorders. Life Sci 34: 2213-2223, 1984.

• Schultz W, Ruffieux A, Aebischer P. The activity of pars compacta neurons of the monkey substantia nigra in relation to motor activation. Exp Brain Res 51: 377-387, 1983. (pdf)

• Schultz, W. Depletion of dopamine in the striatum as experimental model of parkinsonism: Direct effects and adaptive mechanisms. Prog Neurobiol 18: 121-166, 1982. 

• Schultz W, Wiesendanger R, Hess B, Ruffieux A, Wiesendanger M. The somatotopy of the gracile nucleus in cats with agenesis of a hindfoot. Exp Brain Res 43: 413-418, 1981.

• Ruffieux A, Schultz W. Dopaminergic activation of reticulata neurones in the substantia nigra. Nature 285: 240-241, 1980. 

• Schultz W, Montgomery EG, Marini R. Proximal limb movements in response to microstimulation of primate dentate and interpositus nuclei mediated by brainstem structures. Brain 102: 127-146, 1979. 

• Schultz W, Ungerstedt U. Short-term increase and long-term reversion of striatal cell activity after degeneration of the nigrostriatal dopamine system. Exp Brain Res 33: 159-171, 1978.

• Schultz W, Ungerstedt U. Striatal cell supersensitivity to apomorphine in dopamine lesioned rats correlated to behaviour. Neuropharmacology 17: 349-353, 1978. 

• Schultz W, Ungerstedt U. A method to detect and record from striatal cells of low spontaneous activity by stimulating the corticostriatal pathway. Brain Res 142: 357-362, 1978. 

• Allen GI, Gilbert PFC, Marini R, Schultz W, Yin TCT. Integration of cerebral and peripheral inputs by interpositus neurons in monkey. Exp Brain Res 27: 81-99, 1977.

• Hellweg FC, Schultz W, Creutzfeldt OD. Extracellular and intracellular recordings from cat's cortical whisker projection area: Thalamocortical response transformation. J Neurophysiol 40: 463-479, 1977. 

• Schultz W, Montgomery EB, Marini R. Stereotyped flexion of forelimb and hindlimb to microstimulation of dentate nucleus in cebus monkeys. Brain Res 107: 151-155, 1976. 

• Schultz W, Galbraith GC, Gottschaldt KM, Creutzfeldt OD. A comparison of primary afferent and cortical neurone activity coding sinus hair movements in the cat. Exp Brain Res 24: 365-381, 1976.